Friday, February 16, 2007

Message Board and SSL

I've added some new features to cl1p:

First up is Message Board. You can now turn an cl1p into a message board. Just select message board in the cl1p type drop down menu.

  1. You can set the title of the message board by entering a new title under options.
  2. You can restrict forum management by setting a password under security. People can still add comments to the board, but you need the password to delete them.

Next is SSL. You can now purchase SSL cl1ps. These cl1ps have the same feature as standard cl1ps, with the addition of an secure SSL connection.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Review of cl1p in one powerful word

Mr Biggs just posted an excellent article on on his blog.

Thanks for the post Mr Biggs!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

New Feature: Cl1p Types!

Now a cl1p can be more then just a text area. The cl1p type dropdown (in the top left corner) will let you change types.

First up is the Rich Text editor type. You can now create cl1p's with rich formating options .

I have many more types of cl1ps. If you have any suggestions on a cl1p type you would like, let me know!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

a new look

Here is a screen shot of the new It should be up in a few weeks. What do you think?